28 April 2012

Welcome to Beijing, ladies and gentlemen

I actually quite like long plane trips. Don't get me wrong, I can certainly value-add to a Sunday arvo pub conversation about worst international plane rides, but there's something about being stuck in a 1sqm space for fourteen hours straight that appeals to me. It's like having your mum look after you when you're too sick to go to school - the situation is clearly suboptimal, but the undivided attention of a caring mother is unrivalled.

I feel the same way about plane rides. There's someone to attend to your every need, while you get fed at regular intervals, there are no dishes, and you're given an endless supply of every kind of entertainment imaginable.

This particular plane ride was fairly nondescript, so I won't bore you with a blow by blow. But here are a few pretty pictures: the fog over Canberra, beautiful Lake Eyre (that's my assumption anyway) and a cool Island near Denpasar.

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